Monday, August 08, 2005

What willpower?

The weekend was nice, although quick. There was Purgatory on Friday night, a pretty fantastic night, all around, although I have to say that unless you were one of a few characters, there wasn't much to do beside move from dramatic even to dramatic event and watch (not that I am complaining at all, Emmett). Saturday night was Trent's Kingdom Come event, Paradise Lost. It was most pleasant, although my nerves were out of control before I got there and started to play. I am still somewhat intimidated by a lot of the people who play in that game, so I get pretty nervous. Trent was super nice though, and not at all scary, I guess I am getting more used to that crowd. Some people who know me may not realize how terribly shy I am. On Sunday Ian and I hung out, did some cleaning around the house, went grocery shopping (another $200.00, Christ Almighty), and drank tea. Unfortunately, I forgot my new rule that I will not drink tea after noonish, and I was up till 4am.

Today Shani and I went to NAIT to drop off my paperwork for school. It turns out that I need to make an appointment to drop off the paperwork, so, I made the appointment for Wednesday morning. Hopefully they wont mind if I bring Miss Mary, cause, well, I am going to have too. After that, we went to the mall to fix my glasses, and spend too much money. I bought a cute little outfit for Mary at The Children's Place, I can't wait till the winter when she will fit into it. I shouldn't have bought it, but I couldn't help it. I have absolutely no willpower when it comes to cute pink dresses.

Anyways, I haven't much else to talk about today, getting mentally and emotionally prepared for the pane ride with Mary on Thursday. I really really hope she is a good girl...

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