In less than twelve hours my baby will be three. I can't express how wonderful the last three years have been, and I can't even begin to imagine where they've gone. I guess it's true, time flies when you're having fun. Before I had Mary I was unsure whether I even wanted children. Babies are frightening, and kids are cute enough in small doses....but to have one of my own, a little person that I am completely and utterly responsible for every minute of every day, well, it's a daunting sort of idea for someone who can't keep plants alive. I think that I've learned a lot about myself the past three years, and I think that I have grown into a better person. I never thought I would be patient enough to read One Fish Two Fish over and over again, or to sing Baby Beluga every single night. I really didn't think that I would be a good mother, and I've learned that I am and that I love doing it. Being a Mum is the best job I've ever had in my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
So happy birthday Mary Bea, I love you more than words can say!

Mary on her very first birthday.

Six months old - the same age as Frances is now.

One year old and still bald.

Two years old and hamming it up for the camera.

Just a few days ago, almost three.
Happy Birthday Miss Mary! See you soon!!
Happy Birthday Mary. Hope you have a wonderful day full of fun.
Happy Bird's Day, Mary!
And congrats on 3 yrs of motherhood, Jen.
Savour it. The years keep going faster and faster. Won't be long 'til Frances is 3!
Scary thought, eh?
You should shave Mary bald. I miss her magnificent melon.
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