After my first WW meeting yesterday, I hit WalMart before getting on the highway to come home. I needed to pick up some oil so Ian can muck around with the van, and I needed formula for the not-so-wee baby. As I was loading cases of formula into the cart, a real granola muncher wandered by with her baby, and came to a dead stop when she saw me. She proceeded to stand there as I grabbed the formula, shaking her head and clucking her tongue disapprovingly, all the while frowning angrily in my direction. At first I thought it was something else, after all, people can't seriously be that rude, right? But then, as I was walking past, she actually leaned forward to her baby, safely ensconced in it's incredibly expensive Eddie Bauer car seat, and stage whispered something about people feeding their babies poison, and only irresponsible mothers would consider not breast feeding. I was so stunned and angry, I was at a loss for words, and I just kept walking. I bumped into her in the craft aisle and she just sighed, looked into my cart again, and shook her head sadly. It took all my will power not to punch her in the nose. Which is why I am going to fail at this weight watchers thing, I've got no willpower left.
Anyways, while in the craft section at WalMart I picked up a pattern for a halloween costume. I bought a new sewing machine a few weeks, and I'm just itching to use it, so...we'll see how it goes. I'm not an experienced sewer, and this pattern seems a little tough, but I'm determined to try it out. Hopefully I won't end up having to take Mary out without a costume because I didn't get this one done. Here's a picture of the costume, I found a site where you can purchase the costumes for only $70 (no thanks).

If your going to sew that is awesome. Just remember that if you are having trouble Raven and I will be willing to help in whatever way we can. Also I know some cheater stitches that might help if your having difficulty. Just don't get bogged down if it doesn't come out the way you wanted. Oh and if you really want try a simple t-tunic before the actual costume. That way you'll still have a costume for Mary and get a chance to try out the machine.
Lady Myke
If you're so fat then you already have a nice cushion for yer tailbone (sorry, couldn't resist).
God, people are so friggin' rude. Besides, she can't be that "crunchy" if she's shopping at Wal Mart.
I'll share my one and only diet tip (outside of eat whatever you want in small quantities):
When you're dying for a sweet, take one of those pre-packaged ice cream cones (not a waffle cone, mind you) fill it with a teaspoon of preserves, and non-fat frozen cool whip. You're looking at about 40 calories and though it takes a bit of imagination, you can call it a "treat."
Good luck with the diet.
On WW, you end up with a few days of hunger, and then it goes back to normal. It gets better soon, I swear.
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