Slowly but surely Mary and I are falling back into our old routines. Her temper seems to have developed in leaps and bounds since I left, which is a wee bit stressful for me, but other than that, it's been pretty easy to get back into the swing of things.
As for the temper, well, wow. Mary screams and cries in rage at the drop of a hat, at just about everything. She screams if she wants up, she screams if she wants down, she screams if she steps on something, she screams if she wants something, she screams if she doesnt want something. She screams if I look at her, she screams if I dont. She especially screams at pinecones, she hates them with a hot hot heat (I think she may have been reading about Declan over at Simian Farmer). Anyways, all the rage is starting to get a little old.
What else? Well, the Purgatory game is this friday, though I'm not sure that I'll make it. I've not been able to arrange for a sitter for the crab apple, and to be honest, I'm not sure that I would feel good about inflicting anyone else to the fury. Tonight is D&D, and I'm quite excited about it. I've been in withdrawl, as I havn't played in a couple of weeks now. I'm looking forward to getting acquainted with my new character, a halfling bard named Dewberry Tealeaf. She's quite a change from my wild Scots (well, the equivilant of Scottish anyways) barbarian who could hack her way through an army of Orcs without breaking a sweat. Gosh, sometimes I'm a geek, aren't I?