It's been a busy week!
Well, not really busy in a classic sense. Time just flies these days. Between Mary, the house, the cats and Ian, I am rarely bored.
Mary's been doing fabulously well, and she has more words than ever! She now says:
High Chair, Mummy, Daddy, Baby, Up, Hi! No! Down! Don't! Cat, Dog, Puppy, Kitten, Jonah, Eye, Ear, Bum, Diaper, Car, Supper, Juice, Cookie, Night Night, Milk, Bottle. I'm sure there's more that I'm missing, it's really amazing, she has a new word every day it seems. She also knows to point to her head, hair, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, cheeks belly, knees, shoulders, feet, toes and bum.
So, one of Ians co-workers wives just started a job as a school bus driver. They are desperate for drivers here due to the labour shortage, and they are willing to do all sorts of things to convince you to work for them. They have paid training, they pay for your drivers lisence, and they will install a car seat for your child if you are a stay at home mother so you can bring the baby along while you work. I'm seriously considering becoming a school bus driver. It's only a few hundred dollars a month, but that's more than I'm making now, and I can't really think of a reason why not too take the job if they let me bring Miss Mary along with me.
Tomorrow is Pole Dance. I'm kind of dreading it a little bit. Last week was incredibly hard...we had a substitute teacher and she was MEAN. Also, I nearly wrenched my arm right out of its socket and had to re-learn everything left handed. I should have expected it, my right arm is weak and pathetic due to living with a badly separated shoulder for about 5 years, ending with surgery that didn't really work. Anyways, it hurt. Tomorrow we are learning another spin, the backwards spin. I can't even do the first spin we learned! Someone save me from exercise and learning to be sexy! (I'm SO not sexy. Not at all. Just sweaty and kinda fat...oh, and clumsy too)
I made a strategic error last week. The Jehovas Witnesses visited me again (I can't remember if I told you about this or not). As always I was polite and listened to what they had to say, even when the older fellow basically told me that the Muslims and Jews are going to Hell (His actual words were "The Jews and Muslims, they don't follow Jesus, so we know that they are lost."). Anyways, they were back today to read more bible scriptures to me. I really haven't the heart to tell them to go away, and I honestly don't mind listening to what they have to say...but I suspect that they'll never leave me alone now. They are already promising to come back next week to chat again. I may have to answer the door naked or something. Or just stop answering the door....or invite them in for tea...