Friday we went, as always, to Raven and Shades place in Sherwood Park. There was some landscaping work going on in the front yard, and my husband, being the helpful bloke that he is decided to pitch in and assist with the rock moving endeavour. I went inside and hung out with Raven and the kids, which is fun and incredibly exhausting. Thankfully all four of the children gathered there are very well behaved for the most part. We had a wonderful supper of home-made pulled pork, which was great, but not as great as the last time Raven made it. We played a round or two of a game called Jungle Go, and then Shades ran part two of our two part adventure in an RPG called The Mountain Witch. It's a very neat game, and although I was nervous at first due to the way the game is narrated by both the GM and the players, it turned out to be great fun and very satisfying. Apparantly next week we may end up playing a game in which we are all cavemen, and we can only grunt and gesture to get our points across to the other players. Cool. After we finished playing Mountain Witch, we played more Jungle Go. I have learned that I am much better at that game when I have a case of Coke under my belt.
Saturday was a lazy day, I slept in (mostly because I didn't fall asleep till after 5 am due to the gallons of cola that I consumed). We went to West Edmonton Mall to pick up some litter boxes and makeup for me for Paradise Lost. Let me just say that West Ed is a miserable place at the best of times, let alone on the Saturday of Labour Day long weekend with a crabby toddler. We got what we needed, and by time we got out of there we were all ready to tear eachother to shreds. That night was Paradise Lost, and it was fantastic as always. Bad things had happened to my character in downtime which were not clear to everyone, but by the end of the night, I think everyone knew that something was up.
Today was the Betty Cup Invitational Croquet Tournament. I did not place in any of the games, which was unfortunate, but we had a lovely time. I got lots of pictures, but due to the fact that it was beautiful and sunny out today, many of them are not very good because of shadows. Mary was mostly good, and busied herself with making sure the pond was always full of croquet balls. She was very good at her job. Our neighbours, I & V have themed their backyard on Alice in Wonderland, so there are a great many plastic hedgehogs that Mary would throw into the pond, an adult would retrieve from the water, just to have Mary toss them back into the pond.

Tomorrow we will head back to Sherwood Park to spend the morning at a Spray Park with many children. It will be either fun, or horrible. It's always a gamble.

1 comment:
We don't actually know if Neanderthals had language or not. Being an Anthropologist, I ought to be able to offer a few pointers for playing a convincing caveman.
Um... all that comes to mind is, don't go overboard on hair. People always want their Neanderthals hirsuite. And club weilding, which is just so wrong as tool traditions go. I mean, anyone that could make an awl from bone isn't going to resort to a crude club.
Actually, just go rent that horrid Ringo Starr movie from the 70's where he plays a caveman (I think it was called "Caveman")and spends the entire film running about yelling "Ka-ka!"
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