Anyways, this is the scene that greeted me after nap time this afternoon. The pink thing that she is in is a doll crib given to us by our friends S & A a while back. Other than her being trapped in the doll crib, the mess is pretty much what I see every morning and after nap time. When does this phase end, anyways?

1 comment:
Argh, here too-without the doll bed, of course.
You've likely already thought of this, but you might want to remove the diaper pail from Mary's room at bedtime.
So far, Danny's slept on the floor for a week now. He takes great care to tuck-in his stuffed animals though. Every morning I find him on the floor and blue bear snuggled in bed with a blanket.
Those are fantastic photographs-she's going to love you for taking them in a few years.
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