Sunday, June 24, 2007

Our house


Anonymous said...

you realize you just posted your new physical address to the world?

Jenn said...

No, no I didn't. There's no address on that page at all, but thanks for your anonymous concern.

Anonymous said...

ok. sorry about that. I'm Paranoid about my 3 kids like that. Sorry to bother you!

Unknown said...

Oh Wow! That looks awesome! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful home. I'll bet the screen door works too.

James said...


Anonymous said...

go you!

greypanther said...

I totally understand Anonymous' reaction and you have stated the name of the town it is located in. So there's sorta a ballpark address there, but unless someone knows you they would have to wander the town looking for you. But yeah I think the house looks great and I hope you enjoy it. I know apartment life is bugging you something awful. So congratulations!

Jenn said...

I'm not terribly concerned about telling people the town. If someone out there wants to travel to Milestone Saskatchewan and drive up and down the streets looking for my house, well...all power too them I guess. Milestone is small, but it isn't that small. It's awfully unlikely to happen at any rate.

Anonymous said...

It brought up a vanacant lot in Alder Flats for me! I'm gonna try typing in the property ID on it's own...

Anonymous said...

Nope. Can't find anything...

Unknown said...

It's probably been removed from the site as it's been sold.

Cori Quite Contrary said...

It's beautiful!