I tolerate this, but only because Mummy has so much fun.

Well, it is now friday, yay! Days don't really mean much to me, to be honest, what's the difference between friday and monday when youre a stay at home mum? Anyways, I have decided to copy some other people, and post a picture of little Miss Contrary every friday.
Yesterday was our last day of swimming lessons. Mary did very well, and is ready to swim on her own if you just go by her report card. I decided we (read: I) had so much fun with it that I would sign us up again, so we are starting a whole new class of the same stuff on monday. This time around we shouldnt need to miss any of the lessons, as she has no doctor's appointments scheduled.
Today was Mary's big Neonatal ICU follow up appointment, and she did very well. I think that the clinic is more for the premie babies, so they arent used to seing such large, advanced babies like Mary. She saw a physical therapist, who said she is doing very well, and is slightly advanced for her age, and the audiologist said her hearing is fine. The doctors were nice too. I did think that being made to see a social worker was a bit much, but all in all the morning went well. I think that all the poking and prodding tired Mary out even more than her swimming lessons.
Anyways, I should stop typing, and go watch the very odd football game that is on tv. It's Edmonton and Winnipeg, and it is an amazingly poorly played game so far. Both teams are sucking hardcore, but Edmonton is winning (YAY! I hate Winnipeg with a burning passion).
Oh, and by the way, thank you very very much to those of you who offered to look after Mary for us. Our anniversary is next sunday (the 24th), and one of you may be hearing from us very soon.
That does look fun!
(and what a cool tatoo Mummy has).
I'm glad Mary is doing well.
Mr. Marx seems to be spaming Anne's blog too. Haven't be able to log onto Dave's today but I suspect the same there too. Hmmm...
Anyway, nice pic! Mary looks like she's actualy enjoying it a bit.
Leaha's Rock
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