My gift arrived early, and it sat on my table taunting me..."open me..." it said to me every day. I fought the temptation, and managed to open it only one day early, on December 31st, with the excuse that we would be out of the house all day the next day, and Mary was opening gifts, so I ought to also.
I was absolutely thrilled with what I found in the box. If this person had known me for years she could not have done better. Here's a picture:

A beautiful green and purple scarf, a notepad to live beside the phone, some yummy vanilla flavoured candles, a beautiful picture frame into which I immediately put a picture of Miss Mary, and my favorite, the magnet:

Anyways, I was so eager to find out who my mystery santa was, and on January 14th, I did, and I must say, I was thrilled. My gift was sent by Jen, over at MUBAR. I stumbled across her blog shortly before her baby boy "The Dude" was born, and I have enjoyed reading it ever since. She is a fabulous writer, whether she is discussing feminism, the "mummy wars" or what she bought on line, and I wish I had her skill and talent. I admire her not only for her writing, but for her honesty in discussing politics, her difficulties and joys in being the mum of two great kids, and her sense of fun that comes across in nearly everything she writes.
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